Before, the rights over the franchise of Hulk have had a restriction with Universal owning such. Now that Marvel has taken it back according to BGR, this opens doors for Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk to have his very own solo movie and that gives Marvel boss Kevin Feige a complete control on the future of the character in the MCU. To date, Hulk has only been in the side with the Avengers and recently, in She-Hulk: Attorney At Law. Following the Avengers: Endgame, Hulk has proven himself an important character in the MCU and with the demise and loss of three of the original Avengers, the team is currently rebuilding. Admit it or not, the whole story arc of Hulk is all over the place. He hasn’t been given that much time to explain himself in a solo film. To date, all the original members of the Avengers got their own titles, all except Ruffalo’s Hulk. There is so much potential to the character that hasn’t been tapped yet in the MCU and yet, he still has no solo movie or even a series. His cousin, Jennifer Walters, even got a show of her own. Banner has provided the brains for the team while Hulk provided the brawns, it is all in one amazing character. More than that, Hulk has lightened up various scenes and even provided a comic relief to already stressful circumstances in films. More than that, becoming Smart Hulk/ Professor Hulk in Endgame opens more doors for the narrative of Banner/ Hulk. His heroic act of doing the snap in the same film surely means a lot for the franchise.
READ MORE: Mark Ruffalo Reportedly Set to Return in Captain America 4
Will Hulk Get Another Movie?
In Mark Ruffalo’s interview with Variety, he expressed his interest in playing the Hulk once more in his very own standalone film. Ruffalo said, “There’s an idea that I think could be really interesting. We’ve never really followed him into his life.” Ruffalo added, “He’s always kind of off on the side. He’s like the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern of the Avengers. It’d be interesting to fill in all the blanks about what happened to him between all these movies.” Finally, in She-Hulk: Attorney At Law, it may have just been confirmed that Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk could be having his own solo movie. Explaining why he left Earth and returning with a son, Skaar, it may be leaning towards the movie version of Planet Hulk or World War Hulk. Do you think Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk will finally have his own solo movie in the MCU?