If you’re wondering about the outcome of this fight, we have the answer below, but note that there are some major spoilers from the Bleach manga series by Tite Kubo, so consider this a warning. Studio Pierrot’s anime adaptation of Thousand-Year Blood War is expected to follow the same story, but even if you’ve read the manga, you’re probably still wondering who actually defeats Quilge Opie.
What happens in the fight between Ichigo and Quilge Opie in Bleach?
Quilge Opie is clearly one of the most powerful enemies that Ichigo has ever faced in the popular shonen series. Their fight in Hueco Mundo proves to be a struggle for Ichigo despite the assistance of the three Sun-Sung, Mila Rose, and Apacci, and their Chimera-like Hollow, Ayon. Quilge is able to use his Sklaverei technique to strip away the reishi components that make up Ayon’s spiritual body and grafting his body parts onto him. Of course, there’s a lot more to the fight between Ichigo and Quilge, the Sternritter won’t let Ichigo return to Soul Society. As Episode 4 reveals, the villain eventually entraps Ichigo in a spherical barrier, and he tells him that he couldn’t escape the cage. Quilge explains that Yhwach designated the letter J to which he then refers to himself as Quilge Opie of the Jail. As Bleach Chapter 500 of the manga and Episode 4 of the TYBW anime reveals, Quilge then decides to kill everyone off before he loses the power he acquired from Ayon. However, before he can do that, he’s swiftly split vertically in half by a mysterious attacker. Even though it’s not confirmed if Quilge is dead, it’s likely that he will not return after such a horrific injury.
Who killed Quilge Opie in Bleach?
While Tite Kubo’s manga series didn’t confirm who actually killed Quilge Opie, some fans suspect that it’s Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, the 6th Espada, who sliced him up. First of all, he’s still alive and was not killed by Ichigo. He is also powerful enough to surprise Quilge with a finishing blow. Grimmjow was also seen making a deal with Urahara, but that deal was not detailed in the manga series, and it’s not 100% confirmed if he was actually the one who killed Quilge. Another suspect is Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, the 3rd Espada whose adult form grants him enhanced strength and speed, giving her the ability to slash Quilge into half. Of course, it’s possible that another character killed Quilge Opie in the manga, but it looks like many fans would agree that it’s Grimmjow. We may never find out who actually killed Quilge in Bleach, but a future arc of the manga could reveal a clear answer.