Who is Nada in Netflix’s The Sandman?
In Netflix’s The Sandman, while Morpheus was on his way to Lucifer, he went past a prison where one of those imprisoned recognized him. The woman called him “Kai’ckul,” and she is named Nada. Nada’s origins trace back to The Sandman comics. In The Doll’s House, a grandfather and his grandson were looking for a perfect spot for a ritual for a young boy to enter manhood, the child’s circumcision, where a story gets told. The grandfather told the story when the city used to be made of glass, the same glass that they use which once belonged to the city and the very reason why the story had to be told at the perfect spot. The queen of the ancient African kingdom was Nada, the most beautiful woman in the world. At sixteen, she was asked to find a suitable husband but to no avail. However, a stranger arrived in their city and Nada immediately fell in love. The following day, Nada couldn’t find the stranger so she sought the help of the Bird King to do so. Only the Weaverbird was able to give some information because the stranger gave the bird a grain to eat. The next day, the Weaverbird returned in a burnt state carrying a berry for the Queen. The berry can only be found in the mountains of the sun and the bird told Nada that if a human swallows the said berry, she would be transported to where her true love is. She did so and was taken into a place where she saw two brothers fighting.
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One of the two told her that she was in the dream world led by Kai’ckul, the King of Drams, and there, she realized that she fell in love with one of the Endless. She woke up to Kai’ckul on her side and he made love to her. However, this didn’t end well. As a result, a blazing ball of fire from the sun razed the city of glass and turned it into a desert, killing Nada’s whole tribe. when she couldn’t bear witness anymore, she jumped off a cliff and her spirit was on the death realm. Kai’ckul asked Nada to be his bride or she would be condemned in eternal pain, however, Nada refused, leaving her imprisoned in hell for 10,000 years in eternal pain because Kai’ckul could not forgive Nada despite her intention of never seeing another tragedy strike the waking world once more. Nada and Morpheus’ story has not been adapted into The Sandman series yet but her appearance in the show opens to the possibility of having it in future seasons should the show be renewed. The Sandman is now streaming on Netflix.