To start, Netflix’s Resident Evil is a thing of its own. While it has the zombies and monsters plus, basically, the story of the game, it is presented in a way that those who do not play the game could enjoy it as well through putting the narrative into new characters making something that could stand alone.
In an interview with Variety, Ahar Raza Mir who plays Arjun Batra, reveals that the lore of the story is there but it is reinforced with new characters, “What’s really interesting about this series is that it is taking that lore and everything and turning it on its head, and giving a completely brand new presentation of it.”
Ahar Raza Mir added, “What’s interesting about the show is, because there’s such a big fan base, and it’s such a big franchise that people already have this great understanding and connection with, is they’re creating these new characters for people who might not have played the games and might not understand the show from before."
In Ahar Raza Mir’s perspective, it’s a way for the Resident Evil franchise to connect with people who haven’t played the game and would watch the show, “They have this opportunity to connect with new characters. It was a big deal for me, because I’m getting to create a new character for the franchise.”
Netflix’s Resident Evil series is set in present day, 2022, in New Raccoon City, South Africa, and in the near future, one that is totally different from the other, in the year 2036. It focuses on Jade Wesker, her life from before and in the future, as she tries to outrun her problems like running away from the zombies.
Jade tries to deal with what happened to her sister, Billie, who has history 14 years before the whole zombie apocalypse started. Both Billie and Jade are daughters of a well-known character, Albert Wesker.
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The goal of the Resident Evil is to stay true to its source material which is the game where it is based on where the lead hero tries to look into the misdeeds of Umbrella Corporation and to trace where the zombie apocalypse all started.
The beloved game, Resident Evil, first came out in 1996 and it has been in the industry since then with a lot of adaptations in films or series and latest game releases.
Along with Ahad Raza Mir, the stars bannering the Resident Evil Netflix series are Lance Riddick as Albert Wesker, Ella Balinska as Jade, Siena Agudong, Tamara Smart, Paola Nunez, Hanni Heinrich, Rizelle Januk, Mpho Osei Tutu, Lea Vivier, Candice van Litsenborgh, Ayushi Chhabra, and Richard Wright-Firth.
Resident Evil Series is now streaming on Netflix where all eight episodes are available to view.