Recently, over 8,000 Japanese fans were asked to identify their top TV anime of the year. This survey had a split of 55.2% male and 42.5% female respondents, with 44.2% being under the age of 19.
LycoReco Tops Japan’s Poll
While Summer 2022 might not have been as hyped up as the other seasons of the year, it did feature the broadcast of Lycoris Recoil, an original anime by A-1 Pictures. The show flew under the radar during the initial weeks of the season, but it quickly gained steam and became one of Summer 2022’s biggest hits. It even got several high-profile fans, including Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima. What’s surprising about its success is that it’s not based on any existing manga or light novel. And while there’s no word yet on a second season, the series does have a manga and light novel spin-off. Meanwhile, here is the complete list of the top 10 anime according to the recent Japanese fan poll: 2022’s big hits such as Chainsaw Man and Spy x Family are unsurprisingly part of the list. But it’s interesting to note that the top three are shows that didn’t get much hype ahead of their broadcast outside Japan. What’s also unexpected is that Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War didn’t make the top 10. This is in sharp contrast to the show’s massive hype among international anime fans.
Bocchi the Rock!, Dropkick on My Devil! Round Out the Top Three
Coming in second on the survey is Bocchi the Rock!, another surprise hit that became one of the most talked-about shows of the Fall 2022 season. This is an impressive feat considering Fall 2022 is a stacked season. Rounding out the top three is Dropkick on My Devil! Season 3, an anime that’s probably not well-known outside Japan. It has a sizeable and dedicated fanbase in Japan though, enough that the fourth season is on its way to being crowdfunded. Of course, this survey is not a definitive list of the top anime of 2022 in terms of actual popularity. Views or streaming numbers are still the best references for pure popularity. In this regard, Spy x Family is likely this year’s biggest hit given how it continuously topped Japan’s anime streaming charts. Still, the recent survey is an interesting look into what dedicated Japanese anime fans loved during the year. Discover more anime news and info by following us on Twitter @epicstreamanime. READ NEXT: The Most Popular Anime of 2022, According to Fans Source: