Kaguya-sama: Love is War Chapter 270 Recap
Chapter 270 focused on Ishigami and Iino, the series’ secondary couple. As Ishigami goes abroad in a summer program, Iino keeps looking for ways to connect with him. The chapter draws interesting insights on human relationships, and how even minor changes can cause people to stop communicating - but technology can make it a bit quicker and easier to take a step. Encouraged by this idea, Iino makes the choice to contact Ishigami, asking him to play video games together, to which he happily agrees. The Kaguya-sama: Love is War manga ending has been announced, so we have only 12 chapters to go to find out if, like Kaguya and Miyuki, Ishigami and Iino will also get a happily ever after!
Kaguya-sama: Love is War Chapter 271 Release Date
Kaguya-sama Love is War Chapter 271 will be released on Friday, the 29th of July in Japan. In Europe, Canada, and the US, it will be available from the 18th of July onward. You can read the newest chapter of Kaguya-sama and other manga legally online on Viz Media, where it should be released shortly after it becomes available in Japan. All chapters up to 251 have also been collected in 25 print volumes. And, as the Kaguya-sama manga is ending soon, we expect some special edition at some point in the future.
Kaguya-sama: Love is War Chapter 271 Spoilers
At the time of writing, there are no spoilers or official summaries for Kaguya-sama: Love is War Chapter 271 as the newest chapter was released very recently. Spoilers, such as raw scans, are usually available 2-3 days before the release date, so we will let you know if any additional information becomes available in the meantime. In the next chapter, we expect Iino and Ishigami’s relationship to hopefully progress a little bit further, though we can’t rule out the possibility of another chapter focusing on the main couple instead! Meanwhile, for those who can’t get enough of the story, Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 3 - Ultra Romantic has concluded with an epic finale and it is available to watch on Crunchyroll and Funimation! The story is a bit behind compared to the manga, but equally enjoyable! A Kaguya-sama: Love Is War anime movie has also been announced.