According to his rep, the Hawkeye series actor was plowing snow when the accident occurred. The 51-year-old-actor was airlifted to a hospital on Sunday where he is now “receiving excellent care” and is with his family. The extent of his injuries are unknown but are said to be serious. The location of the accident is unknown but it has been reported that Renner has a home in Washoe County, Nevada. According to Reno Gazette Journal, the area was recently hit by a heavy snowstorm on New Year’s Eve that left 35,000 homes without any power. The areas affected by the winter storm include Washoe, Carson, Douglas, Storey, and Lyon counties. Renner previously posted a photo of him on board a snowcat vehicle in 2015, which is used to travel through difficult conditions in snowy terrain. It is unknown if this is the same vehicle that Renner was using when the accident took place.
We will update this post once more information becomes available.
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