Chainsaw Man is set in a world where devils have emerged from human fears. While they are known to be dangerous, some devils form contracts with humans. These contracts usually involve a sacrifice of some sort from the latter in order to gain special abilities from the former. But there are exceptions too, such as in Denji’s case. This is why there is a huge possibility that Makima could be like him or she could simply be a skilled devil hunter. Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers for the Chainsaw Man manga. RELATED: Does Makima Actually Like Denji?
Is Makima a Human or a Devil?
Makima is the Control Devil. Her Japanese devil name is Shihai, which means Conquest Devil. This devil embodies the fear of conquest or control. Her main ability is called domination, which allows her to control any being that she thinks is inferior to her. She can force them to make contracts with her and this includes devils too. Once they are under her control, they lose their memory of what happens during the time they are controlled. She can control humans, hybrids, fiends, and devils. She can also channel their abilities by summoning them using a special chain. Another ability Makima has is force manipulation wherein she can offensively manipulate a force to damage targets. She can create an invisible force from long distances or by simply pointing at them using her index finger. She can also do short-to-mid-range attacks. YOU MIGHT LIKE: Is Makima Evil in Chainsaw Man?
Why Did Makima Become a Devil Hunter?
While it was not officially explained why, it was just said that the reason Makima did a lot of terrible things was to create a better world. Makima wanted to use the power of the Chainsaw Devil to eliminate all devils completely, including the powerful ones. It might seem that Makima truly cares about humans but it was later revealed that her love for them is similar to how humans treat their pets. In truth, Makima thinks humans are entertaining, loyal, and easily manipulated. This sociopathic tendency means that even if she has somewhat “good” intentions, they are not enough to consider her a good character. Time and time again, it shows that she only cares about Chainsaw Man because of his abilities. She sees him as a possession rather than a friend or companion. Get the latest news and trends direct to your feed by following us on Twitter @epicstreamanime or on Facebook. READ NEXT: Is Makima Really Dead in Chainsaw Man?